This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Samson Mungapen who was born on February 4, 1955. He joined the Baha'i Faith on February 7, 1970. His love for his faith was so immense that this was the date he chose to celebrate his birthday and this is how we will remember him forever...a great soldier of the army of Baha'u'llah....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Today is the 1st anniversary of Samson's passing.

Today is the 1st anniversary of Samson's passing and our Dearest sister Homa and LOVELY COMPANION OF SAMSON organised a beffitting commemoration at the Convention Centre it was a very touching ceremony and every one present feel so uplifting we would all never forget our dear Samson.....
O ye friends of God! True friends are even as skilled physicians, and the Teachings of God are as healing balm, a medicine for the conscience of man. They clear the head, so that a man can breathe them in and delight in their sweet fragrance. They waken those who sleep. They bring awareness to the unheeding, and a portion to the outcast, and to the hopeless, hope.
If in this day a soul shall act according to the precepts and the counsels of God, he will serve as a divine physician to mankind, and like the trump of Israfil,[1] he will call the dead of this contingent world to life; for the confirmations of the Abha Realm are never interrupted, and such a virtuous soul hath, to befriend him, the unfailing help of the Company on high. Thus shall a sorry gnat become an eagle in the fulness of his strength, and a feeble sparrow change to a royal falcon in the heights of ancient glory.--ABDUL-BAHA

Monday, November 1, 2010


My spiritual Father
Added by Natacha Juste-Poinapen on 10/28/2010
He taught me everything,  how to be a good tutor, a good coordinator, a good Bahai taking everything, even trials with a smile. 
Once he told me Abdu'l Báha said ' be happy' and so he was... always happy.
My story is during a summer school where Samson was tutoring a study on the covenant.  We went into small groups to read and work on the questions and then come back to discuss in big groups.
Johann and I (just married then) were in different group and as expected we always had different opinions which we were voicing out and debating.
Our dear Samson was just standing in front of the mike ...not too sure what to do or which side to take but ALWAYS with that special smile of his that would melt our heart .......................
Oh well I have many more stories of him since he was sooo part of our life......  Gone too soon that is well said but God has a plan.

My beloved Tonton Samson

Added by Vidushi Keenoo on 10/30/2010
In the path of service, he would not fear to approach strangers. I remember how In St Aubin , he would gather children playing on the streets and affectionately initiate casual conversations with them. Later on, he would visit the parents and invite their children for classes. The responses were mostly positive and while the classes were done, Tonton Samson, together with some Baha’i friends would visit the parents and share insights with them. This is how Ruhi and regular home visits started.He was of moral support to many teachers and would accompany them in their classes, always optimistic, encouraging and believing firmly in Divine assistance and blessings.
He would always say "tout korek la"  Samson had a charisma which attracted our hearts; his smile reached his eyes for they had a soft glow in them while his sincere words reached your soul. His warm hugs made you forget all your worries and his thumps up and five would encourage you to go forward and never lose faith in God. 
Love you Tonton Samson



jane ragoo lit a candle on 1st November 2010
"Dearest Samson, yes you went too soon. We will all miss you, please do pray for us. Life must be wonderful in Abha Kingdom........."
josian dholah lit a candle on 31st October 2010
"my dearest true brother missing you so much so much Samson"
Sohail Azadi lit a candle on 31st October 2010
"Dear Uncle Samson, Although we never met, I will always remember the stories that aunt Homa has told me about you. You kind and gentle spirit, your devotion to the Faith and perseverance during hard times. I am honored to have had you as my uncle. Love, Sohail"

Nathalie Appasamy-Bookaree lit a candle on 29th October 2010
"Words fail to express the sadness we feel. Samson was dear to everyone. We will miss your warmth and smile that made anyone you talk to feel special. We shall never forget you and we will miss you dearly."
Shaku Bagabo lit a candle on 29th October 2010
""I beleive your soul will be richly rewarded in the Abha Kingdom""
keshaven curpen lit a candle on 29th October 2010
"samson...i don`t find the words...but i know what will make u happy...we must continue serving the cause of God.."
Natacha Juste-Poinapen lit a candle on 28th October 2010
"Someone very dear to me left for the spiritual world. For me he was humility personnified and the true example of service. I will NEVER forget his smile and laughter. Until we (hopefully) meet again... have a nice journey Samson Mungapen."
carver Eddy lit a candle on 28th October 2010
"Unforgettable Samson you will be in our hearts always and forever. God bless your family for all you did for us."
ian ungamootoo lit a candle on 28th October 2010
"We all miss you Tonton Samson.You will be in our hearts forever..."
Vidushi Keenoo lit a candle on 28th October 2010
"My Beloved Tonton Samson...a father, a guide, a friend whose warm hugs made you forget all your worries and whose words touched your soul♥ i love you and miss will always be in my heart♥"
Lua Olaghere lit a candle on 28th October 2010
"A very humble, dedicated servant of God. The light of humility and joy always radiated through your eyes. Thank you for all your contributions and may He enable you to continue guiding us all."
cat carver lit a candle on 28th October 2010
"un grand homme avec toujours son beau sourire ,aimable et généreux,je garderai toujours un bon souvenir de lui,il a fait beaucoup avancé la foi sur notre petite ile,mille merci"
Pina Delfin Lim lit a candle on 27th October 2010
"We haven't met in person but met your lovely wife Homa in New Delhi,India in 1996 during the 10 year anniversary of the Baha'i House of Worship. I got in touch with her again via facebook. You surely are always in the hearts and minds of your loved ones and the Baha'i Community. May this friendship continue in the worlds of God. Allah'u'Abha! Your Baha'i sister, Pina"
Neema Goorchurn lit a candle on 27th October 2010
"Miss u... But we know... u`ll always be here to guide us and Pray for us....... Ur Quartier!!! ur presence will always be felt!!"

shellen monien lit a candle on 27th October 2010
"simplicity, humility, dedication,words aren't enough to descride how wonderful a human being u were and for me a perfect example of true bahai.I'm very happy to have met someone like u and like everybody else i'm missing u too.We shall never forget u coz u will be always in our hearts and prayers...."
Brian Dholah lit a candle on 27th October 2010
"Words won't come out! WE LOVE YOU ALL!"
Baillache Chantale lit a candle on 27th October 2010
"Our Dear Unforgettable Samson,will be in our hearts forever."
Vidya Gappy lit a candle on 27th October 2010
"Samson: my spiritual father, my friend, my counselor, we love you tons and we will try our best to fulfill your dreams. Keep encouraging us from the Abha Kingdom"
Ravi,Anjanee,Poon,Rach&mehi Keenoo lit a candle on 27th October 2010
""Our dear Samson, you will live in our hearts forever.This great person in you can be felt by all of us here.... Your sudden departure taught us a lot of how life is really short... God bless you and your family for all you did for us.....""
Nancy Meetun lit a candle on 27th October 2010
"Samson, we are missing you so much but we are very very sure that you are extremely happy where you are. Please continue to look after us ..."
Abhi Keenoo lit a candle on 27th October 2010
"we all miss u tonton Samson...please continue to send ur warm blessings from above..."


In Memoriam
Samson Mungapen
La mort tend à chaque croyant sincère la coupe qui est la vraie vie. Elle dispense la joie
et apporte le bonheur. Elle confère le don de la vie éternelle.

Ce 22 Octobre 2010 la communauté bahá’íe de Maurice a appris avec émotion et tristesse
que notre cher ami Samson Mungapen a pris son envol vers les mondes impérissables de Dieu, à
l’âge de 55 ans. A la douleur de la perte de cet être d’exception la conservation de la mémoire
s’impose et devient un devoir pour les individus et les institutions. Grand est le décalage entre notre
tristesse impuissante et résignée et notre tentative de déchiffrer le sens des événements. Grand est
aussi le décalage entre ce que nous ressentons et la pauvreté de ce que nous pouvons exprimer par les
mots ; oui il est parti prématurément mais son empreinte dans le développement de la Foi restera
Samson était un être de foi et d’action, donnant le meilleur de lui-même sur tous les fronts
ouverts, au centre de ce qui méritait la focalisation la plus importante du moment. Dans le service
de la Foi il ne cherchait ni position ni privilege.son seul but était que la Cause de Dieu avance
dans ce monde en désarroi. Il cherchait toujours les moyens concrets pour réaliser le but du Plan.
Que ce soit dans son engagement pour proclamer les enseignements de Bahá’u’lláh car il fut
infatigable dans ce champ de service à Maurice, dans les îles de l’océan Indien ou comme pionniers
avec son épouse et son fils dans plusieurs pays d’Afrique ou par sa précieuse et inestimable
contribution dans le développement des ressources humaines - d’abord comme coordinateur de
l’institut avant la mise en place de la structure administrative actuelle, puis comme formateur,
tuteur et animateur. Samson fut aussi membre de l’Assemblée Spirituelle Nationale au début des
années 90 et il eut l’inestimable privilège en avril 1993 de participer à la Convention
Internationale Bahá’íe à Haïfa en tant que délégué de l’Assemblée Spirituelle Nationale de
Maurice. Sa nomination comme Membre Auxiliaire le rapprochera encore davantage avec les
communautés locales et les amis, sans oublier tous ces jeunes qu’il a formés spirituellement.
Quand on écrira un jour L’histoire de la Foi à Maurice, et que les générations futures
jetteront un regard sur leurs antécédents spirituels, le nom de Samson Mungapen sera révéré et
En lui rendant ce vibrant hommage l’Assemblée Spirituelle Nationale s’associe à la douleur
de tous ceux affligés par cette dure séparation et elle présente ses plus vives sympathies à son épouse
bienaimée, son fils et sa brû, à son père, à ses frères et soeurs, aux familles et aux amis de
Elle les assure de ses prières pour l’élévation de sa belle âme de lumière dans les mondes de
Dieu et espère que désormais sa force spirituelle nous atteindra et veillera sur le progrès de notre
Cause glorieuse.